Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trying this thing out! ((A little about me))

Ok, so this whole blogging thing is really confusing me! (Ha what else is new!) It took me at least 10 mins to figure out how to create one, nevermind post or what to write.

This is my favo place to be Nubble Lighthouse, York, ME

What I am hoping to get out of this is being able to refect on my life, learn new things about myself, just for people get to to know the "real me" I am a very hard person to understand.  I will let people only so close and close off.  Its prob apparent by now that my trust with people is very far and few between.  
I think that I am a better listener, I am really good at giving advice, but following my own advice is another story.  I am very stubborn, chances are if you tell me to do something one way, I will prob do it another.  
I am oftenly misunderstood and kinda come across as stuck up, or better than everyone else or even a bitch, but that isnt me at all!! I am actually a realy shy and quiet person unless I am comfortable around a person/group of people.  I get along better with men than I do women, but both can be intimidating and daunting at times.  I like no confict, def not a confrontational person but will stick up for myself, family, friends..I will not hesitate to step in to defend any one of them for they are my life and what keeps me sane and grounded.

I am a drama free person, I try to avoid it at all costs.  In the past and the people from my past that dont know me now would say otherwise.  I would intentionally seek it out.  I am happy with who I am as a person, I KNOW who I am and dont flip flop on the person that I am.  I dont try to be someone I am not. At this point in my life my attitude is accept me for who I am or turn around and walk out of my life.  If you are from my past and want to perceive me as who I use to be, then thats on you, I am not the one missing out you are.  I am content within myself and I know who I am and thats all that matters.

Well thank you for taking the time to read..feel free to comment or throw in some insight :)